Sunday, August 22, 2010

A Monster Named Suitcase

I'm packed.

I can't even explain to you how scary a feeling it is. I feel like, if I don't have everything packed, if I forget something important, then I'm going to have to make room for it. But I can't make room for it, I've only just met my weight limits. So I'm doomed. And I need to charge every electronic thing I own, so that I can use it on the plane. Except my cell phone. Oh god, I'm traveling across America without a cellphone. Am I crazy?

Two big suitcases. One full of clothes (I'm such a girl...) and one full of quite literally everything else. We're talking books, makeup, notebooks, jewelry, photos, contact solution, bobby pins, teddy bears, space bagged EVERYTHING. I think I'm basically set for just about any environment. Including the middle of a desert. Yeah.

I leave for Boston the day after tomorrow. I've said goodbye to just about everybody but my parents...I'm not gonna lie, that was really hard. There have been plenty of times I just wanted to drop out of exchange altogether, and I figure there will be a few more in the next two days, but I'm just gonna suck it up and power through. Once I'm on that airplane, there's no turning back. Now...I just need to convince myself to get on the plane. (My parents have orders to drag me into the car, kicking and screaming or not, and throw me on the plane, and if they have to drug me to do it, so be it.) (Not to sound like I'm not excited, but right now my fears are seriously outweighing my joy.) (I'm such a pessimist.)

I've packed my laptop. If all goes well, I should be able to find a wireless internet connection and start blogging the week I get there!

~Josie Harris

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